9 Ways To Grow Your Business in the New Year


How can you grow your business in the new year? 

To help small business owners and entrepreneurs grow their businesses in the new year, we asked business professionals and leaders for their insights. From investing in quality SEO content to capitalizing on e-commerce, there are many ways to grow your business in 2022.

Here are nine ways to grow your business in the new year:

  • 投资高质量的SEO内容

  • 利用现有客户

  • 利用社交媒体

  • 利用电子商务

  • 填补未开发的细分市场

  • 保持与时俱进

  • 吸引新客户

  • 投资你的销售团队

  • 进行新的市场调查


Organic search is a channel that produces a reliable and sustainable flow of trusted leads at a low cost. The trick to getting organic search to work is investing the resources to create content, 建立反向链接, and address any technical issues presiding on the website. If a business is looking to grow in the year ahead, organic search is certainly a long-term strategy to build a marketing funnel. Keep in mind that when hiring an SEO expert, a campaign may take between 4-12 months to see results. 然而, once the campaign produces results, a business should enjoy a steady stream of new clients and revenue.
布雷特Farmiloe, Markitors


If you’ve got a long list of satisfied clients, try to utilize them for referrals. A satisfied client is a grateful client, and they’ll likely be happy to recommend you to others. As an interior design firm, there is already a lot of demand for our services. 然而, that doesn’t stop us from making the most of our relationships with our clientele, so we get a fair number of referrals. 
阿丽莎挤泰勒, Alisha Taylor室内设计


It might sound cliché at this point, but social media is the future of business growth. So, you need to make the greatest possible use of social media. Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket, and social media platforms are amongst the most-used apps on those phones. If you set up your social media business page, 做广告的产品, enable any shop or product promotion options, and regularly interact with your followers, you’ll set yourself up to see significant results in the new year.
vicky Franko, Insura


If you haven’t been getting the most out of the e-commerce boom, now is the time to capitalize on it. There’s a market for practically everything online, from services like insurance to products. 然而, if you don’t have an online presence that can capture customers’ awareness or interest, they’re going to find it elsewhere. Make sure you have an up-to-date website and social media. These are the key ingredients to growing your business in the new year.
布莱恩·格林伯格, Insurist


Look for niches in need of being filled. You might think you have all of your bases covered, but untapped opportunities are waiting for you. 曾几何时, offering loan services specific to small businesses was an underutilized market, 但我们继续帮助别人, 和我们自己, 茁壮成长. Start the year off by making a plan to look for opportunities, and stick with it.
艾伦Switalski, LendThrive


One way to grow your business in the new year is by making sure that you are staying on top of trends. 例如, if you’re in the healthcare industry and there's something big happening with health care reform then make sure this information reaches all employees to adapt accordingly when necessary! The goal should be about keeping up-to-date.
saskia凯兹, Mojomox


If you think your customer base is limited to only one demographic, throw that notion away in the new year. Boho-Magic’s mission is to inspire women to love unconditionally and express their authentic selves, 但我们也卖男士首饰. 如果你想要成长, see if there are any untapped markets for your products, and do what you can to grab any opportunities. Let the new year be one in which you attract new and previously unexpected customers.
-Nataly瓦努努, Boho-Magic


Investing in your sales team by giving them the best technology and tools that they need to do their job is essential for growing your business. There are many sales automation tools on the market. These tools will help save your sales reps time and money when prospecting for new business and help you bring more quality leads to your business - which ultimately leads to more revenue.
镜头, Gryphon连接


Take a second hard look at your business environment by studying the competition and investing in a fresh round of market research.

A market research survey is essential to focus on core strategies once more, a move that will enable a business to take a fresh look at their competitors and their customers.

The findings will help realign current strategies, thereby posing a new threat to existing competition and gaining valuable insights into how the market has evolved.


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